Trailer Time

  Surprise! Your weekly blog post is published earlier in the week this time. If you're wondering why, you'll have to wait until the end of the post. Until then, I figured I would talk about trailers this week.

  There are plenty of things to consider when trailering a horse and it doesn't help when your horse doesn't want to load himself in. Hopefully, some of these things will help you out a little in time for your next travelling trip.

  First of all, you should always walk around your trailer and make sure everything is okay. It's better to take the time to check every little detail before loading your horses than it is to have a big problem while you are on the road. A checklist kept in your truck or in the tack room of your trailer can be a good idea to make sure you checked everything you need to. If you would like a checklist to help you start your own, this website has a good one to get you started.

  Next, you want to get your horses on your trailer once it is ready to go. If you have a horse that does not like to load, watch the video below. Remember that you need to have patience when teaching a horse to get onto a trailer easily. Don't try to force, scare or hurt a horse to get onto the trailer. Though you might get him in, you'll just create more of a bad experience for him and he will become even worse.

Video from:

  Finally, make sure that your horses are properly and safely secured. Make sure that your trailer doors are securely shut as well. Once you have done all of this, you are ready to go!

  A good tip to make sure that your horses are doing okay while you are on the road is to buy a camera that can be connected to a little screen on your truck's dashboard. That way, if a horse is in trouble, you'll be able to pull over to a safe place and take care of the situation.

  So that is it for this week. I hope you are all doing well and thank you for reading. Today, Pure Horse Sense just hit 1000 pageviews. That it an amazing accomplishment, especially since this blog is less than a year old. So thank you, all of you who are subscribed to this blog or who are reading it for the first time. Please share Pure Horse Sense with all of your friend so that it can keep on growing and don't forget to subscribe if you have not already.

  Now, if you are wondering why the blog post is a published earlier in the week than usual, it's not only because of the 1000 pageviews, but also because I will be gone on a little vacation for a week. If any of you are wondering, yes part of my trip will be horse related, so I will hopefully have some stories and pictures to show you. Can you guess where I might be going? Well, you'll have to wait and see. I will try to have next week's blog post up in time, but if I can't you'll have two new posts the following week.

So until next time, happy riding!